O autor do livro foi também autor das ilustrações originais.
É o livro em língua francesa que mais foi vendido no mundo, com cerca de 143 milhões de exemplares, e entre 400 a 500 edições. Também se trata da terceira obra literária (sendo a primeira a Bíblia e a segunda o livro O Peregrino) mais traduzida no mundo, tendo sido publicado em 160 idiomas e dialetos.
The story begins when the main character talks about a drawing he made when he was 6 years old and it was a boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant, but all adults found that the boy had drawn a hat. The main character resigned six years of age the career of being a painter, and became a pilot. And flying, had to crash his plane in "Sahara Desert". Trying to fix his plane, fall asleep ... And a boy is woken by the author defines who has "golden hair" and asks him to draw a sheep.
As the story goes the character discovers that the boy lives on asteroid B-612, and it only has a rose that speaks to him, and which has three volcanoes (one of which is extinct), and the prince attends forty three sunset -Sun for fun or when you're sad.
The author tells a little of his story, the story of how the prince had come to the Sahara Desert, talks about how are kids and they are great people; and engages the reader in another mystery in Chapter XXVII: it says that the ram he designed for the little prince could eat your flower.
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