terça-feira, 11 de novembro de 2014

China asks girlfriend to marry him in the middle of a heart made with 99 iPhones

A young Chinese man decided to buy 99 iPhones 6 to make a request for technological marriage. The proposal enhanced with new cellular model would cost in Brazil around R $ 320 thousand. The boy placed the boxes on the ground with the outline of a heart. The application has attracted the stares of onlookers. 

As if that were not enough, after all the damage, the girlfriend did not accept the request. There are rumors that the proposal is just a hype, but as nothing has been confirmed yet, we continue to believe in chance in chinezinho.

At least, if a request for a sponsored wedding, the company innovated time and bet on the outcome of a foot in the ass. 

Fonte: Capricho.com

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